Money and Words

Money is stored labor and words are stored ideas. Money is like art. Art is a verb, not a subject. Like the Benny Goodman song says in the song title, It is not "what" you do, it is the "way" that you do it. Finally, politics is gossip. Called rumor in the market, 70% of rumor it has been said often turns out to be true. Rumor, like gossip, is people said. People said reflects people spirit. This blog talks to issues spirit, not to people said. This is only what I say, everyone else does what they say. Links to other Sunset Stroller sites below.

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Gridlock equals goldilocks

Charts tell the truth
From what I can make out of things as they stood, at least recently, is that the market sentiment believes the Republicans will win the Georgia run offs. This will mean gridlock. That means certainty, And certainty means trading will proceed without sidelong complications to suddenly upset the market.
Nothing More Meaningless Than Old Chart
Alto market views normally look six months out, the view six months out can change on a dime. Of course, the vaccine is providing a lot of fuel for the upside. My view is that widespread fear will direct more money to dividend payers. That is my view naturally, because I am in a list of dividend payers. 
Weak Hands Trader
One trader on television, upon asked what he was going to buy said, innocently faced, 'Oh I can't tell you, I haven't bought it yet'. Then he will presumably reveal that since he is holding stocks is no longer buying, and is therefore a seller. Hope no one is surprised?

Friday, 20 November 2020

Decimals are hot....

Trading in the age of fractions was easier than today because when I realized how much money an eighth of a point was in decimals it brought out beads of sweat fractions never did. 

Fractions were cool....

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Charts are cool....

 ...... while a ticker tape is hot. Any thing that moves is instinctually watched, from animals to television and commands all ones senses

crowding out intellectual evaluations to the urgent present. However charts do not, and the candlestick charts popular today with their oscillators, volume and so forth allows one to make very deliberate decisions. Since this decision relates to money and not a story, this means that charts, like money, tell the truth. Charts today are instant to whatever rhythm you set them for and this changes the way our mind works. On top of it all, charts can be set to follow formulas and trade by themselves, watched or not watched, while one is luxuriating on their air conditioned yacht with the helicopter pad nearby.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Existence of God is... not the same as God is Existence. God is the subject and Exiistence is the verb here. God did not create "Existense",  rather God is Existence. Existence always was, without beginning, as anyone would be forced to conclude since God is a Spirit where there is no time.  He is one as with the Holy Spirit. God spoke us into existence as someone "like" Himself, or Themselves, as the texts say, to acknowledge the Trinity.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Buying shares not stories....

Remember, current media is alway ancient history and today especially.... propaganda. Never has politics been so thick in my trading experience. The market is thought to be greedy by other voices since it is rising. In my view it is rising simply because one particular candidate is largely expected to win who is bullish for the economy. Among traders one would observe shortselling the mix. Meanwhile charts tell the truth because money does.

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Charts tell the truth......

Danny used to remind people that he bought shares not stories. Charts of price patterns are easy to read. The trend is your friend. Prices spend more time in the trend than they do in a turn in the trend. There are many price patterns that reliably reflect group emotions.

The Dow chart is bullish.